Monday, April 5, 2021


a la conquete de l'air 1901 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. flying bicycle.

a la conquete du pole 1912 FRA Melies/Pathe-p.. Snow Giant.

aaron's rod 1923 UK Stoll-p.. Fu Manchu/ mystical item.

abenteuer des prinzen achmed 1926 GER Reiniger-d.. animated.. sorcery.

accidents will happen 1900 USA AM&B-p.. living disconnected head.
acrobatic fly 1910 UK Urban-p.. trick film but "scientific", genre?

acrobatic tramps 1902 UK Williamson-p.. tramps disappear and reappear at will.

adam raises cain 1919 USA Sarg-d.. animated.. dinosaurs.

adam's rib 1923 USA DeMille-d.. caveman sequence without dinosaurs.

adventures of baron munchausen 1929 USA Peroff-p.. animated.. silent.. he blows up the Earth, lands on the moon.
No IMDB.. Lee-I (1927)

adventures of baron munchausen 1929 USSR Cherkez-d.. animated.. silent.. rides a horse into outer space.
No IMDB.. Lee-I

adventures of mr. nobody holme 1916 USA La Cava-d.. animated.. series that likely never went beyond the one extant cartoon "Mr. Nobody Holme Buys a Jitney" (1916), which I suppose is genre. Lee-I ("Holmes", Pathe-dist) ("Mr. Nobody Holme Buys a Jitney")

adventures of tarzan 1921 USA Elmo Lincoln-s.. raised by apes.
@ (186 minutes, "American" version)
@ (133 minutes, "European" version)

aelita: queen of mars 1924 RUS Mezhrabpom-p.. a love story between an Earthling and Martian leads to a populist revolution on planet Mars, but with horrifying consequences.
@ (111 minutes, restored DVD) 
(also online: 101 minutes, 81 minutes 2007 DVD)

aerial submarine (a startling forecast- piracy on sea and in air) 1910 UK Kineto-p, Booth-d.. sci-fi technology.. part of a trilogy.. {WAS ONLINE} YouTube BFI (15:31).

aesop's fables 1920-1928 USA Aesop's Fables/Van Beuren-p Pathe-dist.. Lee-I.. animated.. hundreds produced.. following is a list of Aesop's Fables cartoons (genre or otherwise) found online or in archives* (as of 2021 Apr):
ADVENTURES OF ADENOID (1925) tt0146404 (Magliozzi 8081:NY)
ALL-STAR CAST (1924) tt0146421 (Magliozzi 7963:WASH)
BARNYARD OLYMPICS (1924) tt0146466
BEST MAN WINS (1923) tt0146477
BIG FLOOD (1922) tt0402846 (Magliozzi 8096:NY, 1925ca)
BIG GAME (1928) tt0146484 (Magliozzi 8517:WASH)
BIG TENT (1927) tt0146488 (Magliozzi 8377:ROC)
BURGLAR ALARM (1923) tt0146526
THE CABARET (1929, silent) tt0146532 (Magliozzi 8725:MTL)
CAT AND MICE (1921) tt0145706
CAT AND THE PIG (1922) tt0146544 (Magliozzi 7793:WEL)
CAT'S LIFE (1920) tt1433758
CAT'S WHISKERS (1923) tt0140886
THE CHAMPION (1924) tt0402908 (Magliozzi 7975:WEL)
CHEMISTRY LESSON (1922) tt1433767
CLOSER THAN A BROTHER (1925) tt0146565
COAST TO COAST (1928) tt0402927 (Magliozzi 8528:WASH)
DAY BY DAY IN EVERY WAY (1923) tt0402955
DO WOMEN PAY? (1923) tt0146631
DOG AND THE THIEF (1922) tt0146639
FABLE OF A RAISIN AND A CAKE OF YEAST (1923) tt0146691 (Magliozzi 7939:WEL)
FABLE OF FRIDAY THE 13TH (1922) tt0146686 (Magliozzi 7903:LON).. BFI says not held
FABLE OF THE ALLEY CAT (1923) tt0146693
FABLE OF THE BOASTFUL CAT (1922) tt0146694 (Magliozzi 7808:WASH)
FABLE OF THE GLIDERS (1923) tt0146699 (Magliozzi 7906:WEL)
FARMER AND THE OSTRICH (1922) tt0146736
FASHIONABLE FOX (1921) tt0403015
FIVE ORPHANS OF THE STORM (1923) tt0403032
FOX AND THE GRAPES (1922) tt0146774 (Magliozzi 7718:LON/MTL).. BFI says not held
FOX HUNT (1927) tt0146771 (Magliozzi 8424:ROC)
FROGS THAT WANTED A KING (1921) tt0403050
GRIDIRON DEMONS (1928) tt0146839 (Magliozzi 8561:WASH)
HAPPY DAYS (1928) tt0403097 (Magliozzi 8564:WASH)
HAUNTED HOUSE (1925) tt0146861 
HIGH STAKES (1928) tt0403111
HOLE IN ONE (1927) tt1017927 (Magliozzi 8436:ROC)
HOME SWEET HOME (1926) tt0146897
HOOK, LINE AND SINKER (1927) tt0146993 (Magliozzi 8437:ROC)
HUNTING IN 1950 (1926) tt0146922
THE HUNTSMAN (1928) tt0403144
IDEAL FARM (1924) tt0146926 (Magliozzi 8010:WEL)
IF NOAH LIVED TODAY (1924) tt0146927
IN AGAIN, OUT AGAIN (1927) tt0146932 (Magliozzi 8441:ROC)
IN DUTCH (1925) tt0146933
IN THE BAG (1928) tt1024745 
JOLLY JAIL BIRD (1924) tt0146947 (Magliozzi 8015:WASH)
JUNE BRIDE (1926) tt0146951
JUNK MAN (1927) tt0403186
KILL OR CURE (1928) tt0403201
KIDNAPPED (1929, silent) tt0146960 (Magliozzi 8020:LA, 1924?)
LAD AND HIS LAMP (1929, silent) (Magliozzi 8688:WASH)
LAND O' COTTON (1929, silent) tt0146975 (Magliozzi 8581:MTL, 1928)
LINDY'S CAT (1927) tt0146992 (Magliozzi 8448:ROC)
LITTLE PARADE (1926) tt0147003
MAIL PILOT (1927) tt0147027 (Magliozzi 8455:NY)
MODEL DAIRY (1922) tt0147053
MONKEY BUSINESS (1924) tt0403313 (Magliozzi 8033:NY)
MORE MICE THAN BRAINS (1925) tt0147059
MOUSE THAT TURNED (1924) tt0147061 (Magliozzi 8035: MTL)
MOUSE'S BRIDE (1928) tt1024764
MOUSE'S TALE (1926) no IMDB 
NOAH'S OUTING (1924) tt0147097
ON THE ICE (1928) tt0403376 (Magliozzi 8602:MTL/WASH)
ONE HARD PULL (1923) tt0403378
ONE MAN DOG (1927) tt0147118
PACE THAT KILLS (1923) tt0147141
PLOWBOY'S REVENGE (1927) tt0147184 (Magliozzi 8470:NY)
PIRATES BOLD (1926) tt0403412 (Magliozzi 8318:NY)
RATS IN HIS GARRETT (1927) tt0140496 (Magliozzi 8475:WASH)
RED HOT SANDS (1927) tt0147213 (Magliozzi 8476:ROC)
RIDE' EM COWBOY (1928) tt1024774 (Magliozzi 8611:ROC)
SCALING THE ALPS (1928) tt0403479 (Magliozzi 8617:ROC)
SHE'S IN AGAIN (1924) tt0147493 
SIGNS OF SPRING (1927) tt0403501 (Magliozzi 8484:NY)
SMALL TOWN SHERIFF (1927) tt0147511
SMART SALESMAN SEE fable of the traveling salesman (1923)
SNOW BIRDS (1929, silent) tt0147517 (Magliozzi 8708:MTL)
THE SPENDTHRIFT (1922) tt0147529
SPOOKS (1924) tt0403531 (Magliozzi 7944:WEL) - BFI "Fable of Spooks"
SPRINGTIME (1923) tt0403532
STORK'S MISTAKE (1923) tt0147552
THE THOROUGHBRED (1923) tt0147600 (Magliozzi 7947:WEL, "A Thoroughbred")
3 GAME GUYS (1929, silent) tt0146397 (Magliozzi 8716:WASH)
TRIP TO THE POLE (1924) tt0015432 (partial)
UGLY DUCKLING (1925) tt0016468
VILLAIN IN DISGUISE (1922) tt0147671
WATER CURE (1929, silent) tt1047703 (Magliozzi 8719:LON)
WAYWARD DOG (1921) tt0147686
WHY ARGUE? (1926) tt0147707 
WIND JAMMERS (1926) tt0147714
WINDOW WASHERS (1925) tt0147715
WOLF AND KID (1921) tt0147720
WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING (1922) tt0147722
WOMAN AND THE HEN (1921) tt0147724
WONDERS OF THE DEEP (1920) tt1433793

affiches en goguette 1906 FRA Star-Melies-p.. posters come to life, cause uproar; we've seen it before, almost a snore. Lee-I ("Hilarious Posters")
after his own heart 1919 USA Metro-p.. ASHSFF primary.. mad doctor.

after the welsh rabbit 1913 USA Edison-p.. dreams of Hell and the devil.
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 5249:NY)

ah! la barbe! 1905 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. bewitched mirror tricks dopey guy; ay-yi-yi!

air liquide ou 140 degres de froid 1909 FRA Gaumont-p.. instant freezing invention.

airman's enemy 1913 FRA Pathe or Eclair-p, Film de Paris-dist.. original French title undetermined.. hypnotism.

airship destroyer 1909 UK Urban-p, Booth-d.. credible future with credible machines, genre?
@ (6:39 partial) (exists b/w & tinted)

airship, or 100 years hence, the 1908 USA Vitagraph-p, Blackton-d.. crime and comedy in the sci-fi air.. NOT otherwise online (2021 Apr), erroneously propagated.
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (0:48-1:31, viewable)

aladdin and the wonderful lamp 1917 USA Fox-p, Franklin-d, mostly child actors.. evil spirit.

aladdin's awakening 1913 USA Nestor-p.. magic bracelet.

aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse 1906 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Capellani-d.. boy and his djinn; handsome but thin. Lee-I ("Aladin" first listing) ("Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp" second listing).. Seydoux
@ (11:35, tinted and colored)

alas and alack 1915 USA Rex-p.. fairy story of the fisher-maid imprisoned in a seashell. Lee-E (but this is certainly genre) (12:35, existing footage)

alf's button 1920 UK Hepworth-p.. magic button summons genie.

algol (- tragodie der macht) 1920 GER DLG-p.. alien from titular planet gives man an unlimited source of energy which he exploits and defends.

ali baba 1907 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. magic door. Lee-I ("Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" 1907 first listing, 1909 second listing).. Seydoux (EYE) (13:23, colored)
(commonly abridged online, especially 8:17)

ali baba and the forty thieves 1918 USA Fox-p.. magic door.

ali baba et les quarante voleurs 1902 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Zecca-d.. magic door. Lee-I ("Ali Baba").. Seydoux

ali barbouyou et ali bouf a l'huile 1907 FRA Star-Melies-p.. chop off the head, back from the dead, magic portrait too; I like this stew.

alice cartoons 1923-1927 USA Walt Disney-p, Winkler-Mintz/FBO-dist, several young girls portrayed the role of Alice (Virginia Davis, Dawn O’ Day, Lois Hardwick, and Margie Gay).. animated & live-action.. 57 produced (all surreal, some more genre than others).. Lee-I.. following is a list of the most genre Alice cartoons (or "Alice Comedies"):
ALICE AND THE THREE BEARS (1924) tt0014660.. spirits of a cat's nine lives.
ALICE CANS THE CANNIBALS (1925) tt0015551.. titular.
ALICE CHOPS THE SUEY (1925) tt0015552.. magic inkwell with genie.
ALICE GETS IN DUTCH (1924) tt0014656.. dream state, and sufficiently weird.
ALICE GETS STUNG (1925) tt0015553.. sufficiently weird.
ALICE THE PIPER (1924) tt0014658.. charms rats.
ALICE'S BALLOON RACE (1926) tt0016589.. crazy surreal stuff.
ALICE'S BROWN DERBY (1926) tt0016590.. mechanical horse (robot).
ALICE'S DAY AT SEA (1924) tt0014662.. dog drives car, breathing underwater, evil octopus.
ALICE'S FISHY STORY (1924) tt0014663.. transported to the North Pole.
ALICE'S LITTLE PARADE (1926) tt0016591.. human war between animals.. spare body parts.
ALICE'S MYSTERIOUS MYSTERY (1926) tt0016593.. dogs into sausage-making machine.
ALICE'S SPOOKY ADVENTURE (1924) tt0014664.. Lee-I.. ghosts.
ALICE'S WONDERLAND (1923).. Laugh-o-Grams-p, Disney-d.. tt0013823.. Lee-I.. animation comes alive in Disney's studio, Wonderland dream.. unreleased at the time.

alice in wonderland 1903 UK Hepworth-p.. the first white rabbit; if you're a fan grab it.

alice in wonderland 1915 USA Nonpareil (and/or Eskay Harris)-p, American Motion Picture-dist, Pathe-dist (1927 re-release 5 reels), Young-d.. classic fantasy. (42 minutes, tinted, DVD)

alice's adventures in wonderland 1910 USA Edison-p, Porter-d.. white rabbit, etc. (actually pretty good).

all aboard for the moon 1920 USA Bray-p, Fleischer-d.. animated.. future space travel.
@ ("A Trip to the Moon") (9 minutes)

allabad, the arabian wizard 1900 USA AM&B-p.. stage wizardry.
allumettes ensorcelees 1913 FRA Eclair-p, Cohl-d.. mocked witch curses a box of matches, which become animated and finally explode. Lee-I ("Bewitched Matches")

allumettes fantaisistes 1914 FRA Gaumont-p, Cohl-d.. tt0139827.. magic matches.. animated.
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy et al)

along the moonbeam trail 1920 USA Dawley-p, Willis O'Brien-fx.. A magic airplane takes two children to the Moon where they encounter prehistoric monsters.
@ (12 minutes, existing footage)

alpenjaeger, der 1910 GER Messter-p.. mountain spirit protects flock.

alraune (die henderstochter, genannt die rote hanne) 1918 GER Neutral-p (per Doctor Kiss, 2008* NOT Luna-p), Illes-d.. mandrake root saves child from death, despite warnings from the spirit of a woman who failed doing the same thing and was tried for witchcraft (non-Ewers version) (2008 memory, PhantomXCI).
@ (this is the 1919 USA re-release from Newtral-dist, called "Sacrifice")
alraune 1928 GER Ama-p, Galeen-d, Bridgitte Helm-s.. bad seed created from blasphemous sexual union. Lee-I ("Daughter of Destiny")
@ (98 minutes, English subtitles)

always the woman 1922 USA Compson-p.. members of treasure-hunting group in Egypt are pawns in apparent reincarnation cycle.

am rande der welt 1927 GER Universum-p, UFA-dist, Grune-d.. (x) battle on the border of two fictional warring countries sets the stage for an anti-war drama, not genre.

amateur william tell 1909 USA Edison-p.. (x) boy dreams of his execution, not genre.

amleto 1910 ITA Cines-p, Caserini-d.. real ghosts.
amleto 1917 ITA Rodolfi-p.. real ghosts.

amorous militiaman 1904 UK Gaumont-p, AM&B-dist.. man literally put through a wringer.

amour noir et amour blanc 1928 FRA Starewicz-d.. mythical Cupid.. animated.

and an angel came 1914 USA Edison-p.. NOT the same as THE ANGEL AND THE STRANDED TROUPE (1912 Edison tt0002023).. Angel of Death comes to take dying child (Bioscope 1914 rather than differing non-genre BFI 116068 review).
No IMDB.. Lee-I

and the villain still pursued her, or the author's dream 1906 USA Vitagraph-p.. surreal, genre?

andere, der 1913 GER Vitascope-p, Mack-d.. split personality ("Jekyll and Hyde in a stuffy bourgeois setting").

anemic cinema 1926 FRA Duchamp-d.. abstract spirals, not really genre.

animated cotton 1909 UK Urban-p, Booth-d.. titular.. animated.
@ DVD: "A Hundred Years Ago, European Cinema in 1909"

animated grouch chaser 1915 USA Edison-p, Barre-d.. #1 in the "Animated Grouch Chasers" series.. cartoons are "Jones' Hair Tonic" which is genre, and "A Duckling's Repast" which is probably not genre.

animated luncheon 1900 USA Edison-p.. animated lunch; not a bunch.

animated matches: cricket 1899* UK Alpha-p, Cooper-d.. nothing to do with ANIMATED MATCHES (1908 UK Alpha-p), whose reissue title is BOX OF MATCHES (1914 Humpty Dumpty-p).. animated matchsticks play cricket.
* per de Vries (BFI says 1914)

animated matches: football 1899* UK Alpha-p, Cooper-d.. nothing to do with ANIMATED MATCHES (1908 UK Alpha-p) whose reissue title is BOX OF MATCHES (1914 Humpty Dumpty-p).. animated matchsticks play football (soccer) or volleyball (de Vries claim).
* per de Vries (BFI says 1914)

animated painting 1904 USA Edison-p, Porter-d.. artist's painting of the sun comes to life.

animated poster 1903 USA Edison-p.. (x) optical illusion freaks out observers, not genre. Lee-I ("F-com live poster" but that is incorrect)

animated putty 1911 UK Kineto-p, Booth-d.. titular.

animaux domestiques, ou une aventure zoologicomique 1920 FRA Pathe Freres Consortium-p, Lortac (Collard) & Landelle-d.. animated (Microbus & Big Fellow).. scientist creates animal servants who then rebel.

annabelle butterfly dance (no. 1) 1894 USA Edison-p.. fairy dancing.. 19 seconds b/w.

annabelle butterfly dance (no. 2) 1896 USA Edison-p.. fairy dancing.

annabelle butterfly dance (no. 3) 1897 USA Edison-p.. fairy dancing.. ID: "C" sign and shelves at the sides one frame says "1897".. 18 seconds tinted supersedes 12-second b/w & 10-second colored clips found on "Annabelle Dances and Dances" video. (18 seconds, "Sette Danze Serpentine")

shows photo from ANNABELLE BUTTERFLY DANCE (1897) captioned "1894"!

annabelle serpentine dance (no. 3) 1895 USA Edison-p.. fairy dancing.. 28 seconds b/w (but colored photos*). ("Annabelle Dances & Dances")

annabelle serpentine dance (no. 4) 1897 USA Edison-p.. fairy dancing.. ID: "C" sign and shelves at the sides.. 14 seconds colored.

another job for the undertaker 1901 USA Edison-p.. antics ghostly; puzzling mostly.

apparitions fugitives 1904 FRA Star-Melies-p.. abuses the dissolve, doesn't quite involve.

apple of discord 1907 UK Urban-p, Booth-d.. A wizard shows a love scene acted within the slice of an apple.

april fool joke 1901 USA AM&B-p.. magician vs. punks.

araignees de rosalie 1912 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Bosetti-d.. killing regular spiders for bad luck, genre?
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy, 1913) (GPA 330337, 4:52, no media here, 1913)

arlequin et mephistopheles 1902 FRA Lumiere-p, Velle-d.. clown vs. Satan.
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy et al), "1903?"

armures mysterieuses 1907 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. suit of armor turns into a magician who does various tricks.

arsenal 1929 USSR Odeska/VUFKU-p Dovzhenko-d.. silent.. dead soldier walks?
@ (73 minutes, English subs)

artheme sorcier 1913 FRA Eclipse-p, Servaes-d.. prankster steals magician's magic wand, uses it to transform people and things.

artist's dilemma 1901 USA Edison-p.. clown shows artist how it's done. magic spun; not much fun. (1:50)

artist's dream 1899 USA AM&B-p.. model into skeleton.

artist's dreams 1913 USA American Kinema (Pathe)-p, Bray-d.. animated.. dachshund eats sausages until it explodes. Lee-I ("Artists Dream" 1910/1913).. Seydoux

artistic creation 1901 UK RW Paul-p.. creates lady and baby from sketch; overdone a tetch.

aschenputtel 1922 GER Kulturforschung-p, Reiniger-d.. Cinderella.. animated (silhouettes).

ashridge castle: the monmouth rebellion 1926 UK Gainsborough-p, Calvert-d.. #8 in the "Haunted Houses and Castles of Great Britain" series (docudrama). Lee-I ("Ashridge Castle")

assiettes artistiques 1910 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. plate patterns come alive.

astronomeous 1928 USA Educational or Bijou-p.. animated (Felix the Cat).. travels to the planet Mars.

at the villa rose 1920 UK Stoll-p, Elvey-d.. (x) phony spiritualism in this murder mystery. Lee-I ("myst; bor-H")

athalie 1910 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Carre or Capellani-d.. Biblical, genre? Lee-I ("Athaliah".. "F-H-dream haunted by spirits of victims").. Seydoux
@ Deutsche Kinemathek (Magliozzi 985: BerDK)

atlantis 1913 DEN Nordisk-p, Blom-d.. doctor whose wife is ill seeks solace in travel and entertainment but meets disaster along the way, in the forms of another woman he cannot have and an iceberg that sinks his ocean liner (a la Titanic).. well-done drama-disaster-romance film, but the only "genre" here is a subdued "Spider and Fly" dance performance, a dream of "lost Atlantis" which resembles a walk in the countryside, and a man who eats with his feet.

atonement 1919 USA Pioneer-p.. his entire evil life was a dream genre?

au clair de la lune, ou pierrot malheureux 1903 FRA Star-Melies-p.. Selene dispatches those mean; moon sequences keen.

au-dela de la morte 1924 FRA-SPA Films Benavente-p, Perojo-d.. master of hypnotics takes advantage to intervene in a series of illegal business.

au pays de l'or 1908 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. fairy tale trick film.

au secours! 1924 FRA Gance-p/d, Linder-s.. must stay in "haunted house" for one hour. Lee-I ("sat-F-H-com haunted house, apparitions")
(supposedly there is a 40-minute French restoration)

augen der mumie ma 1918 (sometimes 1922) GER PAGU-p, Lubitsch-d, Negri-s.. woman escapes kidnapping in ancient Egyptian temple but mysterious pursuer won't quit.
@ (60 minutes tinted, Italian intertitles) 
(also rarely online: 63 minutes tinted, English)

aunt sallie's wonderful bustle 1901 USA Edison-p.. Sallie's bust saved by random gust, genre or luck?

automaboulisme et autorite 1899 FRA Star-Melies-p.. more comedic than magic? (fragment, colored)

automatic motorist 1911 UK Kineto-p, Booth-d.. robot chauffeur drives an inventor and a young married couple around the planets and back to Earth.
@ (6:13)

avenging conscience, or 'thou shalt not kill' 1914 USA Majestic-p, DW Griffith-d, Poe-w.. vision of murdered uncle, could be ghost or conscience.. ASHSFF primary. Lee-I ("Avenging Conscience")

aventures de robert macaire 1925 FRA Albatros-p, Epstein-d.. spirit returns.

aventures des pieds-nickeles 1917/1918 FRA Cohl/ Rabier-d.. weird animation. Lee-I ("Aventures de Pieds-Nickeles")

awakening of rip 1896 USA AM&B-p.. DUPLICATE listing, actually #7 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

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