Monday, April 5, 2021


papier protee (1896, Star-Melies)
probably magic tricks although EOFFAZ says "standard comedy-thriller".

passion, la. SEE horitz passion play (1897, Hurd) (called "original" title at IMDB tt2345607, but this
 was originally a USA release) (Walt Lee INCLUSION for this alias, under OBERAMMERGAU
 PASSION PLAY, which he calls 1897, Lumiere-p, Hurd-d)

passion, la (1897, Lear, i.e., Kirchner)
Christ.. 12 scenes (5-12 minutes).. first Jesus film.. Walt Lee INCLUSION.
{LOST}.. grimh "Lear" photo actually VIE ET LA PASSION DE JESUS-CHRIST (1898, Lumiere).

passion de horitz (1897, Lumiere)
DUPLICATE for HORITZ PASSION PLAY (1897, Hurd*).. Walt Lee PROBLEM for this alias, which
 he calls 1897, Limere-p ("F?").
    * Hurd worked for Lumiere, so this is a duplicate for 1897. Lumiere made its own version in 1898.

passion du christ. SEE passion, la (1897, Lear)
passion play. SEE horitz passion play (1897, Hurd-p, Klaw & Erlanger-dist) (PSFL main title) (Walt
 Lee INCLUSION for this alias, which he calls 1897, Klaw & Erlanger-p, Freeman-d)

petit diable (1896, Star-Melies)
(x) unruly child most likely, and probably NOT demon imp.. no Walt Lee.

petit poucet SEE pulgarcito (1912) - BFI title

pierrot et le fantome (1897, Lumiere)
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy)

prestidigitateur (i) (1897, Lumiere)
magician just does trick, but it's pretty slick.

prestidigitateur (ii) (1897, Lumiere)
magic tricks.

prestidigitation de salon. SEE prestidigitateur, la (1896) (title card)

professor garland the conjuror (1897, Prestwich)
Magician pulls items out of a hat.

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

prestidigitateur, la (1896, Pirou/Kirchner)
magic tricks.
no IMDB.

prestidigitateur 1897 SEE prestidigitateur d. devant (1897) - flipbook title

prestidigitateur d. devant 1897 FRA Star-Melies-p.. stage magic, including rabbit out of a hat. (Beaulieu flipbook, tentative ID, 10 seconds) (information and video, 2020-2021)

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