Monday, April 5, 2021


magnetiseur, le (1897, Star-Melies)
hypnotized woman levitates, and her clothes come off by themselves.

making sausages (1897, GA Smith)
machine turns dogs cats and rabbits into sausages.
@ YouTube

manoir du diable (1896, Star-Melies)
all who come to the castle, Mephistopheles must hassle.
@ YouTube
3:15 always in black & white

manor of the devil. SEE manoir du diable (1896)
mechanical butcher. SEE charcuterie mecanique (1895)
mephisto's laboratory.  SEE cabinet de mephistopheles (1897)
merry skeleton. SEE squelette joyeux (1897)

metamorphoses of a magicien. SEE metamorphoses d'un magicien (1897)
moon at one meter. SEE lune a un metre (1898)

monsieur du crac 1910 FRA Gaumont-p, Cohl-d.. flying head and other crazy stuff.. animated.

morte. SEE squelette joyeux (1897) (BFI 456511, 1898, "may be" the same)
mysterious paper. SEE papier protee (1896)

mysterious rabbit (1896, RW Paul)
conjurer D. Devant continuously pulls rabbit out of hat. ("Early Magicians on Film" preview, first 9 seconds)

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

boudoir mysterieux 1907 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d (but not listed by Tharrats).. "in her boudoir, a woman takes out of a box several jewels adorned with human faces which come to life as if by magic" (Bousquet catalog) - this description matches the film with title card "Miroir Magique* presente par Melle Susanna" which runs about 1'35".
* MIROIR MAGIQUE (1907/1908) is a different film, an inventor creates fluid which makes mirror reflections spring to life (description at MPW Vol.3 p.290, 1908, matches GPA film), running about 4'35" (matches 4-5-minutes duration for "Miroir Magique").. title card for this film reads "Lebend Spiegelbilder".. Seydoux listing is "Reflets Vivants" (no listing for "Miroir Magique").. IMDB tt0432584 (where it is also called "Living Reflection" and, erroneously, "Wonderful Mirrors", which latter alt title actually applies to GLACES MERVEILLEUSES, 1907/1908, stage tricks through the mirrors, IMDB tt0000597, where it is also called "Magic Mirror").

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