Monday, April 5, 2021


gabriel grub and the surly sexton 1904 UK Williamson-p.. Fantasy. A sexton changes his ways after dreaming that he is kidnapped by goblins.. {LOST} Lee-I ("Gabriel Grub the Surly Sexton")
NARRATED PIX: @ DVD "Dickens Before Sound" (otherwise not available)

galloping ghosts 1926 USA Joe Rock/ Standard Photoplay-p, FBO-dist, Ceder-d.. comedy short, not sure if real ghost.
@ DFI (Magliozzi 8628: KOB)
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 8628: KOB)

galvanic fluid, or more fun with liquid electricity 1908 USA Vitagraph-p, Blackton-d.. A professor creates much confusion with his magic spray.
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (H104646, no media here)

gambler and the devil 1908 USA Vitagraph-p, Blackton-d.. Satan in morality play.
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (H116064, no media here)

garde fantome 1905 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Velle-d.. two portraits come to life and fight.

garde meuble automatique 1912 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Bosetti-d.. furniture moves itself.
(4:13 online sometimes)

gardiens de phare 1929 FRA Grand Guignol-p, Gremillon-d.. silent.. man with rabies has hallucinations, genre?

gaucho, the 1927 USA Elton-p, United Artists-dist, Douglas Fairbanks-s.. vision, miraculous healing.

gaz mortels 1916 FRA Film d'Art-p, Gance-d.. powder distorts reality (LSD?) {similar to 20-minute FOLIE DU DOCTEUR TUBE 1915}. Lee-I ("bor-SF").. Seydoux

geheimnisvolle streichholzdose 1910 GER Deutsche Bioscop-p, Seeber-d.. animated.. mysterious matchstick box.

gendarmes mystifies 1908 FRA Gaumont-p.. content uncertain.
generation spontanee 1906 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. A magician presents a childless couple with a baby.
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy) (confirmation: GPA 330403, 2:50, no media here)

generations comiques 1909 FRA Gaumont-p, Cohl-d.. animated.. magic cartoons.

genevieve de brabant 1907 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. Siegfried legend, high drama.
geni and a genius 1919 UK Kine Komedy Kartoons-p, Hicks-d.. animated.. actual genie and Charlie Chaplin.

genie du feu 1908 FRA Star-Melies-p.. some plot, but originality not.

genuine 1920 GER Decla-Bioscop-p.. painted vamp comes off canvas and goes on spree of influential evil, dream.

george washington jones 1914 USA Edison-p, France-d.. after a trip to the spiritualist he thinks everything is a ghost. Lee-I ("F-H-com", 1916)
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 5965)

germatic love 1916 USA Vogue-p, Miller-d.. professors test love potion on tramps at girls' college. Lee-I ("Germanic Love")
@ LOC (per Doctor Kiss 2017 #4015)

gertie on tour 1921 USA Rialto-p, McCay-d.. animated dinosaur.

gertie the dinosaur 1914 USA McCay/ Vitagraph-p, McCay-d.. NOT 1909.. the famous cartoonist makes a bet with some folks that he can animate a dinosaur to life.
(also online: 12 minutes/ 10 minutes/ 5 minutes)

gertie the dinosaur 1915 USA Bray-p.. NOT 1910.. animated knock-off.

gespensterstunde, die 1917 GER Saturn-p, Gad-d.. horror.

geuse, la 1914 FRA Eclair-p.. secret society, vampire bat.
@ EYE (poor condition) per Doctor Kiss 2013 

ghost, the 1911 USA Biograph-p, Sennett-d.. criminals impersonate ghost, real ghost chases phony. Lee-I
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 4526:NY)

ghost of old morro 1917 USA Edison-p, Ridgely-d.. ASHSFF primary.. old castle/ hag/ murders/

ghost of slumber mountain 1918 USA Herbert M. Dawley-p, World-dist, Willis O'Brien-d.. magic telescope shows prehistoric times with dinosaurs.

ghost of the rancho 1918 USA Anderson-Brunton-p, Worthington-d.. Western but genre sequence. Lee-I ("F-H-seq posse of ghosts")

ghost of twisted oaks 1915 USA Lubin-p, Olcott-d.. actual ghost and real invoked voodoo.
ghost story 1907 USA Vitagraph-p, Blackton-d.. content uncertain. AFI 27994.. Lee-I ("F")
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (H99154, no media here)

ghost train 1901 USA AM&B-p.. negative filming gives eerie atmosphere, genre intent. (1903).. AFI 31829.. Lee-E (1903)

ghostly night 1924 USA Standard Photoplay-p, Joe Rock-d.. comedy short, "ghost" or ghost.

giant killer 1924 USA Bray/ Standard Photoplay-p.. animated (Dinky Doodle).. beanstalk.

gift of youth (a fairy story) 1909 USA Vitagraph-p, Kellerman-s.. spirit of youth makes woodcutter young then old again. Lee-I ("Gift of Youth")
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (J130683, no media here)

girl in the moon 1904 FRA Pathe Freres-p? (BFI 23340).. girl performs graceful movements among the moon and the stars.. NOT "Bonsoir Madame La Lune" (1904, Pathe Freres) - not the correct material (per CNC & Seydoux).. BFI description closely matches DANCE AROUND THE MOON (1903, Lubin) except 86ft duration more than 50ft cited at AFI.
No IMDB.. NO Seydoux
glace a trois faces 1927 FRA Jean Epstein-p/d.. surreal. Lee-I ("exp-F dynamic distortions of reality")

glaces merveilleuses 1907 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. Tharrats does not list this.. thru the mirror, magic tricks spawn; yawn. (says Zecca & Chomon-d).. Seydoux (no director mentioned)
@ (2:35, colored, excellent picture, Brinton?)

glamis castle 1926 UK Cosmopolitan-p, Elvey-d.. #5 in the "Haunted Houses and Castles of Great Britain" series (docudrama).

glass of goat's milk 1909 UK Clarendon-p, Stow-d.. man drinks goat's milk and butts people.

glittering sword 1929 UK Altrincham High School-p, Gow-d.. silent.. Death and Satan.

gloves of ptames 1914 UK Martin-p.. things disappear whenever they are touched by a pair of gloves from an Egyptian tomb.

go and get it 1920 USA Neilan-p, Symonds-d.. ASHSFF primary (says Lost).. mad scientist transplants murderer's brain into gorilla.

gold rush 1925 USA Chaplin-p/d/s.. 95 min (original) | 72 min (1942 re-release) | 81 min (edited).. hungry Mack Swain sees Charlie Chaplin as a chicken, genre? Lee-I ("com; psy-F-seq")

golden pomegranates 1924 UK Stoll-p, Coleby-d.. #6 in the "Further Mysteries of Fu Manchu" series. 

golden supper 1910 USA Biograph-p, DW Griffith-d.. his kiss brings her back from catatonia mistaken for death.

goldene see 1919 GER Decla-Bioscop-p.. Part 1 of DIE SPINNEN ("The Spiders").. super-criminals out to take over the world, genre?

goldie locks and the three bears 1922 USA Laugh-o-Grams-p, Disney-d.. animated.. fairy tale.

goldilocks and the three bears 1917 USA Peter Pan-p.. animated.. fairy tale.

goldilocks and the three bears 1928 USA Kodak Cinegraph-p.. animated.. fairy tale.

golem, der 1914 GER Deutsche Bioscop-p, Galeen & Wegener-d.. actual release date seems to be 1914 Dec 22.. second reel discovered, screened 2017 (IMDB).. classic Jewish monster mythos. (1915).. Lee-I (1914/1917)
@ (about 4 minutes, from DVD) 

golem: wie er in die welt kam, der 1920 GER UFA-p, Wegener & Boese-d.. 76 min | 85 min | 101 min (2002 Alpha Video DVD).. rabbi brings creature to life to defend his persecuted people, creature goes on rampage.
@ Amazon Prime (64 minutes, colorized, Hobgoblin rock score and voice-overs) (interesting!)

good little devil 1914 USA Famous Players-p, Porter-d.. ASHSFF primary.. make-believe world of fairies.

good soldier schweik 1926 CZE Gloriafilm, Lamac-d.. seance sequence brings ghosts. .. Lee-P ("F-seq", "same as 1929?" -- not 1929 USSR but 1930 Lamac re-edit)
@ (sample only here but wholly available from author)

goodrich dirt, hypnotist 1919 USA Bray-p, Carlson-d.. animated. Lee-I (as part of the series)

gopal krishna 1929 INDIA Prabhat-p

grausige nacht 1921 GER Rex-p, Pick-d.. alcoholic drama.
@ SFI (per IMDB but search at SFI and did not find it)

greatest question 1919 USA First National-p, D.W. Griffith-d.. ASHSFF primary.. amidst the drama, a ghost gives sound advice.. 

green archer 1925 USA Pathe Exchange-p, Bennet-d.. SERIAL-10.. "haunted" castle should mean not genre. Lee-I ("myst; bor-H").. NO Seydoux

grenouille, la 1908 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. Seydoux.. psychedelic pond; haven't the faintest idea what's going on.
@ YouTube (3:00, colored)
@ GPA 307997 (2:52, colored)

grenouilles qui demandent un roi 1922 FRA Polichinei-p, Starewicz-d.. animated.. fairy tale. (8 minutes, tinted, English)

grief in bagdad 1925 USA Fox-p.. THIEF OF BAGDAD parody, trained chimp is the star but flying donkey is genre.

grotte de la sorciere 1906 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. DUPLICATE for L'ANTRE DE LA SORCIERE (1906, Pathe Freres).. NO Seydoux this title.

grotte des esprits 1909 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. Seydoux.. spooky cave.
@ (#2452, me)

guerra e il sogno di momi 1917 ITA Itala-p, Chomon & Pastrone-d.. tt0193211.. Lee-I ("F-dream boy dreams toy soldiers come to life").. animated puppets.. 

guerre du feu 1914 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. Seydoux.. caveman, wizard.

guillaume tell et le clown 1898 FRA Star-Melies-p.. archery dummy comes to life.

guirlande merveilleuse 1903 FRA Star-Melies-p.. flowers make a loop, magic in the hoop; whoop-de-doop.

gulliver chez les lilliputiens 1923 FRA Gaumont-p, Mourlan & Villette-d.. animated.. 

gunnar hedes saga 1923 SWE Svenska-p, Stiller-d.. genre sections (painting comes to life) in this drama.

gustav est medium 1921 FRA Gaumont-p, Feuillade-d.. telekinesis.

gute fee oder das marchen vom wunderring 1910 UK Hepworth-p?.. original English title undetermined.. fairy godmother.

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

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