Monday, April 5, 2021


you dirty boy (1896, RW Paul)
statue brought to life.

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.




vengeance du derviche 1907 FRA Gaumont-p.. content uncertain.. {LOST} Doctor Kiss 2015 (3243).

vanishing lady. SEE escamotage d'une dame chez robert houdin (1896)

vanishing lady (1897, AM&B)
stage magic.

vanishing lady (1897, RW Paul)
A stage conjurer makes a young woman disappear.
{LOST}.. British Pathe footage this title is actually PYGMALION ET GALATHEE (1898, Melies)!

vision d'ivrogne (1897, Star-Melies)
drunk hallucinations?

visit of st. nicholas (1897, Mutoscope)

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x-ray fiend 
scientist on the prowl, couple X-rayed afoul; you'll howl!
@ YouTube

x rays. SEE x-ray fiend (1897)
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while under a hypnotist's influence. SEE magnetiseur, le (1897)

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unidentified trick film (1894-1896 probably, production undetermined, country undetermined)
content uncertain, but probably genre.

up to date barber. SEE barbier fin de siecle (1896)

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

ultimi giorni di pompei 1908 ITA Ambrosio-p, Maggi-d.. volcano disaster, genre?
@ YouTube (EYE) (16:30, tinted)


terrible night. SEE nuit terrible (1896)

tipsy-topsy-turvy (1897, GA Smith)
drunk returns home, undresses for bed, film reverses.
{LOST}.. per Doctor Kiss 2016 (3834)

tom old boot (nain grotesque) (1896, Star-Melies)
grotesque dwarf.

tom thumb SEE pulgarcito (1912) - BFI title

transformation by hats (comic view). SEE chapeaux a transformations (1895)
trewey under the hat. SEE chapeaux a transformations (1895)
trip to the moon. SEE lune a un metre (1898) (AFI 30370, 1899, Edison pirate) (Wikip says Lubin)
triple lady. SEE dedoublement cabalistique (1898)
turn-of-the-century barber. SEE barbier fin de siecle (1896)
twentieth-century surgeon. SEE chirurgien americain (1897)

two man comedy sketch (1896, production undetermined, country undetermined)
man prepares to eat and the pigs head appears on his head and the mans head on the table.
no IMDB.

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.


santa claus filling stockings (1897, American Mutoscope)
Santa comes down the chimney.

santa filling stockings. SEE santa claus filling stockings (1897)

sausage machine (1895, Lumiere) (erroneously says USA, which is SAUSAGE MACHINE, 1897)

sausage machine (no. 1) (1897, Mutoscope)
pet-into-sausage machine.
AFI 44381 ("films from a vaudeville routine about Catchem and Stuffem's Sausage Factory")

sausage machine (no. 2) (1897, Mutoscope)
pet-into-sausage machine.
AFI 44382 ("films from a vaudeville routine about Catchem and Stuffem's Sausage Factory")
{LOST?}.. unclear which of the Mutoscope "Sausage Machine" films are on the Paper Print.

sausage machine (no. 3) (1897, Mutoscope)
pet-into-sausage machine.
AFI 30344 ("films from a vaudeville routine about Catchem and Stuffem's Sausage Factory")
{LOST?}.. unclear which of the Mutoscope "Sausage Machine" films are on the Paper Print.

seance de prestidigitation (1896, Star-Melies)
stage magic.

serpentine dance. SEE annabelle serpentine dance (no. 3) (1896) (BFI title)
serpentine dance. SEE danse serpentine (1896, Star-Melies)
serpentine dance - annabelle. SEE  annabelle serpentine dance (no. 1) (1894) (BFI title)
serpentine dance - annabelle. SEE annabelle serpentine dance (no. 2) (1895) (AFI & BFI title)
serpentine dance by annabelle. SEE annabelle serpentine dance (no. 3) (1896) (BFI title)
serpentine dance in national colors. SEE crissie sheridan (1897) (probably hand-colored later)

serpentine dance: loie fuller (1897, Gaumont)
DUPLICATE for DANSE SERPENTINE PAR MME. BOB WALTER (1897, Gaumont).. this title is
 often wrongly identified with colored footage from DANSE SERPENTINE II (1897, Lumiere).

serpentine dances. SEE annabelle serpentine dance (no. 2) (1895) (IMDB title)

serpentinen tanz. SEE serpentintanzerin, die (1895)

serpentintanzerin, die 
fairy dancing.
@ YouTube
0:11.. IMDB review by "kekseka" says footage is faked

squelette joyeux (1897, Lumiere)
skeleton danced; your day enhanced.. possibly first stop-motion.
@ YouTube

statue of william tell. SEE guillaume tell et le clown (1898) (AFI 41333, 1901)

suites d'une dispute (1897, Pathe Freres)
fight results in unnatural dismemberment then magical stitching together.

sur la plage SEE cartoons on the beach (1915)
Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

scarabei d'oro 1914 ITA Cines-p, Santos-d, Kleine-dist.. SERIAL-3.. killer assumes victim's identity, genre?
 "restoration made from a nitrated copy donated by the Bundesarchiv/ Filmarchiv of Koblenz")


rapunzel (1897, Germany, Fita-dist?)
unnatural hair.

results of a dispute. SEE suites d'une dispute (1897) (Seydoux 1903 UK title)
reve d'un astronome. SEE lune a un metre (1898)
rip and the dwarf. SEE exit of rip and the dwarf (1896)

rip leaving sleepy hollow (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #4 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B). 

rip meeting the dwarf (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #2 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

rip passing over the hill. SEE rip passing over the mountain (1896)

rip passing over the mountain (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #8 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

rip's toast (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #1 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

rip's toast to hudson (and crew) (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #5 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

rip's twenty years' sleep (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #6 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.


quatres tetes embarrassantes. SEE homme de tetes (1898)

quick lunch (1897, Mutoscope)
lunch table sets itself.

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.


papier protee (1896, Star-Melies)
probably magic tricks although EOFFAZ says "standard comedy-thriller".

passion, la. SEE horitz passion play (1897, Hurd) (called "original" title at IMDB tt2345607, but this
 was originally a USA release) (Walt Lee INCLUSION for this alias, under OBERAMMERGAU
 PASSION PLAY, which he calls 1897, Lumiere-p, Hurd-d)

passion, la (1897, Lear, i.e., Kirchner)
Christ.. 12 scenes (5-12 minutes).. first Jesus film.. Walt Lee INCLUSION.
{LOST}.. grimh "Lear" photo actually VIE ET LA PASSION DE JESUS-CHRIST (1898, Lumiere).

passion de horitz (1897, Lumiere)
DUPLICATE for HORITZ PASSION PLAY (1897, Hurd*).. Walt Lee PROBLEM for this alias, which
 he calls 1897, Limere-p ("F?").
    * Hurd worked for Lumiere, so this is a duplicate for 1897. Lumiere made its own version in 1898.

passion du christ. SEE passion, la (1897, Lear)
passion play. SEE horitz passion play (1897, Hurd-p, Klaw & Erlanger-dist) (PSFL main title) (Walt
 Lee INCLUSION for this alias, which he calls 1897, Klaw & Erlanger-p, Freeman-d)

petit diable (1896, Star-Melies)
(x) unruly child most likely, and probably NOT demon imp.. no Walt Lee.

petit poucet SEE pulgarcito (1912) - BFI title

pierrot et le fantome (1897, Lumiere)
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy)

prestidigitateur (i) (1897, Lumiere)
magician just does trick, but it's pretty slick.

prestidigitateur (ii) (1897, Lumiere)
magic tricks.

prestidigitation de salon. SEE prestidigitateur, la (1896) (title card)

professor garland the conjuror (1897, Prestwich)
Magician pulls items out of a hat.

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

prestidigitateur, la (1896, Pirou/Kirchner)
magic tricks.
no IMDB.

prestidigitateur 1897 SEE prestidigitateur d. devant (1897) - flipbook title

prestidigitateur d. devant 1897 FRA Star-Melies-p.. stage magic, including rabbit out of a hat. (Beaulieu flipbook, tentative ID, 10 seconds) (information and video, 2020-2021)


oberammergau passion play (1897, Hurd-p, Klaw & Erlanger-dist) Walt Lee INCLUSION for this alias, which he calls 1897,
 Lumiere-p, Hurd-d.
DUPLICATE for HORITZ PASSION PLAY (1897, Hurd-p, Klaw & Erlanger-dist).

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

occhiali della strega 1909 ITA Cines-p.. users see the future of their love relationships.. {LOST} BFI 325315.. Bioscope 1909 Aug 5


nightmare, a. SEE cauchemar, le (1896)

agents magnetiques 1908 FRA Gaumont-p, Cohl-d.. magnetic policemen?.. animated.. seems like NOUVEAUX AGENTS DE PARIS (1908, Pathe Freres) (GPA 333706, CF), even if not described as animated or Cohl-d, which otherwise is not in this list but is genre!.. {LOST?}

nuit terrible (1896, Star Melies)*
sleeping man vs. bug. (from Beaulieu flipbook, Star No.26)**
    evidence at says what has been called "Nuit Terrible" may in
 fact be UN BON LIT (1899, Melies) and vice versa.
    ** Although pretty clear this is NUIT TERRIBLE, the flipbook has the inscription "Nuit Agitee",
 which could allude to NUIT AGITEE (1897), Gaumont-p, Guy-d, IMDB tt0000171, which has a
 similar plot (insects attacking a man in bed), not to be confused with NUIT AGITEE (1907).

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.


magnetiseur, le (1897, Star-Melies)
hypnotized woman levitates, and her clothes come off by themselves.

making sausages (1897, GA Smith)
machine turns dogs cats and rabbits into sausages.
@ YouTube

manoir du diable (1896, Star-Melies)
all who come to the castle, Mephistopheles must hassle.
@ YouTube
3:15 always in black & white

manor of the devil. SEE manoir du diable (1896)
mechanical butcher. SEE charcuterie mecanique (1895)
mephisto's laboratory.  SEE cabinet de mephistopheles (1897)
merry skeleton. SEE squelette joyeux (1897)

metamorphoses of a magicien. SEE metamorphoses d'un magicien (1897)
moon at one meter. SEE lune a un metre (1898)

monsieur du crac 1910 FRA Gaumont-p, Cohl-d.. flying head and other crazy stuff.. animated.

morte. SEE squelette joyeux (1897) (BFI 456511, 1898, "may be" the same)
mysterious paper. SEE papier protee (1896)

mysterious rabbit (1896, RW Paul)
conjurer D. Devant continuously pulls rabbit out of hat. ("Early Magicians on Film" preview, first 9 seconds)

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

boudoir mysterieux 1907 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d (but not listed by Tharrats).. "in her boudoir, a woman takes out of a box several jewels adorned with human faces which come to life as if by magic" (Bousquet catalog) - this description matches the film with title card "Miroir Magique* presente par Melle Susanna" which runs about 1'35".
* MIROIR MAGIQUE (1907/1908) is a different film, an inventor creates fluid which makes mirror reflections spring to life (description at MPW Vol.3 p.290, 1908, matches GPA film), running about 4'35" (matches 4-5-minutes duration for "Miroir Magique").. title card for this film reads "Lebend Spiegelbilder".. Seydoux listing is "Reflets Vivants" (no listing for "Miroir Magique").. IMDB tt0432584 (where it is also called "Living Reflection" and, erroneously, "Wonderful Mirrors", which latter alt title actually applies to GLACES MERVEILLEUSES, 1907/1908, stage tricks through the mirrors, IMDB tt0000597, where it is also called "Magic Mirror").


laboratory of faust.  SEE cabinet de mephistopheles (1897)
laboratory of mephistopheles.  SEE cabinet de mephistopheles (1897)

L'affreux cauchemar (1914 French reissue title for anguished hours)
 IMDB tt0449816 (10').. Seydoux.

L'alchimiste (1897, Pathe Freres)
alchemist tries to bring skeleton to life, skeleton takes on the traits of a pretty girl.
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy).. 
@ GPA? (GPA 330221, 1898, blank)

L'auberge ensorcelee (1897, Star-Melies)
bewitched inn, come on in!
@ YouTube

L'eau des geants et la poudre des nains 1923 FRA Pathe-p.. Seydoux description.. animated.. BFI has this as two separate titles (Lortec 1923).. NOT AT: bfi, gpa, cnc, cf, seydoux screen {LOST}

L'hallucination de l'alchimiste (1897, Star-Melies)
probably stage magic.
{LOST}.. Flicker Alley DVD NOT this but abridged (2'15") MYSTERIOUS RETORT (1906, Melies)

L'homme aux quatres tetes embarrassantes. SEE homme de tetes (1898)
L'homme dans la lune. SEE lune a un metre (1898)

little rascal. SEE petit diable (1896)

lune a un metre (1898, Star-Melies)
astronomer fights with Satan & moon-sprites.
@ YouTube

L'utilite des rayons x (1898, Gaumont)
X-rays used to catch smugglers.
@ YouTube
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Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.


habeas corpus 1928 USA Hal Roach-p, Laurel and Hardy-s.. body snatching for scientist.
@ (20 minutes, synced music and sound effects)

hair cartoons 1924 USA Fleischer-d, Marcus-a.. animated.. AKA "Animated Hair Cartoons".. lightning sketches use stop-motion to change the portrait's identity.
No IMDB.. Lee-I (1915)

halley's comet 1910 UK? Kineto-p? (has also been attributed Kalem).. serious (not comic) disaster.
No IMDB.. Lee-I ("comet destroys city"). (1910 scenes from BBC program "The Hunt for the Doomsday Asteroid”) 

hallucination musicale 1906 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. magic violin makes paintings come to life.

hallucinations du baron de munchausen 1911 FRA Star-Melies-p, Pathe Freres-dist., dragon and other wonders.

hallucinations pharmaceutiques ou le truc de potard 1908 FRA Star-Melies-p.. dude's on drugs; somewhat chugs.

ham and the sausage factory 1915 USA Kalem-p, Neilan-d.. dogs into sausages, sausage follows Ham home and does tricks.

hamlet 1910 FRA Lux-p, Bourgeois-d.. ghosts.
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 1035)

hamlet 1913 UK Hepworth-p, Plumb-d.. ghosts. .. Lee-I (1913/1915 Knickerbocker Star reissue)

hamlet 1921 GER Art-Film-p, Gade & Schall-d.. ghosts.

hand of the artist 1907 UK Urban-p, Booth-d.. animated & live.. life from art; pretty smart. (partial, 2 of 8 minutes)

hande 1928 GER Bandy-d.. AKA "Hands: The Life and Loves of the Gentler Sex".. experimental film about hands!
@ BFI & MOMA (per WFPP)

hanky panky cards 1907 UK Urban-p, Booth-d.. Trick film. Animated playing cards.
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 1690)
@ EYE (per Doctor Kiss 2016 #3394)

hansel und gretel 1908 GER Fita-p, Ernemann-d.. story well-told, sold!

happy hooligan in the spider and the fly 1918 USA International Film-p, La Cava & Noland-d.. animated.. spider weaves a web stretching up to heaven so Happy climbs up; God tries to put Happy to work and when he resists he is thrown down to Hell.

happy hooligan turns burglar 1902 USA Edison-p, Blackton-d.. policeman reconstructed.

harlequinade let loose 1912 UK Hepworth-p.. Trick film. A drunken property man dreams of a harlequinade in the streets.

harps and haloes 1917 USA Bud Fisher-p.. animated (Mutt & Jeff).. they go to Heaven and Hell.
No IMB.. Lee-I ("Harps and Halos")

haunted bedroom 1913 USA Edison-p.. real ghosts.

haunted chamber 1913 GER? Anderson-dist (likely for German or Italian film).. content uncertain, includes characters Count Egon and Count Arnold.
No IMDB.. Lee-P ("F?")
@ (500ft - 20% per Doctor Kiss 2014 #2607 explanation)

haunted curiosity shop 1901 UK RW Paul-p, Booth-d.. phantom roams, but shopkeeper can conjure gnomes; this foams!

haunted hotel 1907 USA Vitagraph-p, Blackton-d.. movie bread, food undead.

haunted hotel 1918 UK Hagen & Double-p, Rains-d.. "Kinakature".. ghost story using distorting lenses to create comic effects.

haunted house 1925 USA Aesop's Fables-p, Pathe Exchange-dist.. animated.

haunted pajamas 1917 USA Yorke-p, Metro-dist.. ASHSFF primary.. changes the personality of whoever wears them.

haunted spooks 1920 USA Rolin-p, Goulding & Roach-d, Pathe-dist, Harold Lloyd-s.. fake ghost. Lee-I ("F-H-com ghosts").. Seydoux "original" title

hawk's trail 1919 USA Burston-p, van Dyke-d.. SERIAL-15.. crook with hypnotic powers. Lee-I (recommended genre chapters 2,5,8)
@ LOC: 14 of 15 chapters (per Doctor Kiss 2017 #4015)

haxan 1922 DEN/SWE Svensk-p.. 91 min | 77 min (1968 re-release "Witchcraft Through the Ages" w. William Burroughs narration & Jean-Luc Ponty music) | 104 min (DVD) | 122 min (original) | 81 min (esoteric cut) -- Criterion (105 min) possibly best.. "documentary" about witchcraft includes nudity and torture.

he went to see the devil play 1908 USA Vitagraph-p.. drunk goes to see famous "The Devil" play, afterwards hallucinates he sees Satan everywhere. (1909).. Lee-I.. AFI 36233 blank (1910)
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (3:16-3:41, viewable)

headless horseman 1922 USA Sleepy Hollow-p, Hodkinson-dist, Venturini-d, Will Rogers-s.. ASHSFF primary.. classic fantasy.

heart's haven 1922 USA Hampton-p, Hodkinson-dist.. real faith healing.

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gabriel grub and the surly sexton 1904 UK Williamson-p.. Fantasy. A sexton changes his ways after dreaming that he is kidnapped by goblins.. {LOST} Lee-I ("Gabriel Grub the Surly Sexton")
NARRATED PIX: @ DVD "Dickens Before Sound" (otherwise not available)

galloping ghosts 1926 USA Joe Rock/ Standard Photoplay-p, FBO-dist, Ceder-d.. comedy short, not sure if real ghost.
@ DFI (Magliozzi 8628: KOB)
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 8628: KOB)

galvanic fluid, or more fun with liquid electricity 1908 USA Vitagraph-p, Blackton-d.. A professor creates much confusion with his magic spray.
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (H104646, no media here)

gambler and the devil 1908 USA Vitagraph-p, Blackton-d.. Satan in morality play.
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (H116064, no media here)

garde fantome 1905 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Velle-d.. two portraits come to life and fight.

garde meuble automatique 1912 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Bosetti-d.. furniture moves itself.
(4:13 online sometimes)

gardiens de phare 1929 FRA Grand Guignol-p, Gremillon-d.. silent.. man with rabies has hallucinations, genre?

gaucho, the 1927 USA Elton-p, United Artists-dist, Douglas Fairbanks-s.. vision, miraculous healing.

gaz mortels 1916 FRA Film d'Art-p, Gance-d.. powder distorts reality (LSD?) {similar to 20-minute FOLIE DU DOCTEUR TUBE 1915}. Lee-I ("bor-SF").. Seydoux

geheimnisvolle streichholzdose 1910 GER Deutsche Bioscop-p, Seeber-d.. animated.. mysterious matchstick box.

gendarmes mystifies 1908 FRA Gaumont-p.. content uncertain.
generation spontanee 1906 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. A magician presents a childless couple with a baby.
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy) (confirmation: GPA 330403, 2:50, no media here)

generations comiques 1909 FRA Gaumont-p, Cohl-d.. animated.. magic cartoons.

genevieve de brabant 1907 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. Siegfried legend, high drama.
geni and a genius 1919 UK Kine Komedy Kartoons-p, Hicks-d.. animated.. actual genie and Charlie Chaplin.

genie du feu 1908 FRA Star-Melies-p.. some plot, but originality not.

genuine 1920 GER Decla-Bioscop-p.. painted vamp comes off canvas and goes on spree of influential evil, dream.

george washington jones 1914 USA Edison-p, France-d.. after a trip to the spiritualist he thinks everything is a ghost. Lee-I ("F-H-com", 1916)
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 5965)

germatic love 1916 USA Vogue-p, Miller-d.. professors test love potion on tramps at girls' college. Lee-I ("Germanic Love")
@ LOC (per Doctor Kiss 2017 #4015)

gertie on tour 1921 USA Rialto-p, McCay-d.. animated dinosaur.

gertie the dinosaur 1914 USA McCay/ Vitagraph-p, McCay-d.. NOT 1909.. the famous cartoonist makes a bet with some folks that he can animate a dinosaur to life.
(also online: 12 minutes/ 10 minutes/ 5 minutes)

gertie the dinosaur 1915 USA Bray-p.. NOT 1910.. animated knock-off.

gespensterstunde, die 1917 GER Saturn-p, Gad-d.. horror.

geuse, la 1914 FRA Eclair-p.. secret society, vampire bat.
@ EYE (poor condition) per Doctor Kiss 2013 

ghost, the 1911 USA Biograph-p, Sennett-d.. criminals impersonate ghost, real ghost chases phony. Lee-I
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 4526:NY)

ghost of old morro 1917 USA Edison-p, Ridgely-d.. ASHSFF primary.. old castle/ hag/ murders/

ghost of slumber mountain 1918 USA Herbert M. Dawley-p, World-dist, Willis O'Brien-d.. magic telescope shows prehistoric times with dinosaurs.

ghost of the rancho 1918 USA Anderson-Brunton-p, Worthington-d.. Western but genre sequence. Lee-I ("F-H-seq posse of ghosts")

ghost of twisted oaks 1915 USA Lubin-p, Olcott-d.. actual ghost and real invoked voodoo.
ghost story 1907 USA Vitagraph-p, Blackton-d.. content uncertain. AFI 27994.. Lee-I ("F")
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (H99154, no media here)

ghost train 1901 USA AM&B-p.. negative filming gives eerie atmosphere, genre intent. (1903).. AFI 31829.. Lee-E (1903)

ghostly night 1924 USA Standard Photoplay-p, Joe Rock-d.. comedy short, "ghost" or ghost.

giant killer 1924 USA Bray/ Standard Photoplay-p.. animated (Dinky Doodle).. beanstalk.

gift of youth (a fairy story) 1909 USA Vitagraph-p, Kellerman-s.. spirit of youth makes woodcutter young then old again. Lee-I ("Gift of Youth")
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (J130683, no media here)

girl in the moon 1904 FRA Pathe Freres-p? (BFI 23340).. girl performs graceful movements among the moon and the stars.. NOT "Bonsoir Madame La Lune" (1904, Pathe Freres) - not the correct material (per CNC & Seydoux).. BFI description closely matches DANCE AROUND THE MOON (1903, Lubin) except 86ft duration more than 50ft cited at AFI.
No IMDB.. NO Seydoux
glace a trois faces 1927 FRA Jean Epstein-p/d.. surreal. Lee-I ("exp-F dynamic distortions of reality")

glaces merveilleuses 1907 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. Tharrats does not list this.. thru the mirror, magic tricks spawn; yawn. (says Zecca & Chomon-d).. Seydoux (no director mentioned)
@ (2:35, colored, excellent picture, Brinton?)

glamis castle 1926 UK Cosmopolitan-p, Elvey-d.. #5 in the "Haunted Houses and Castles of Great Britain" series (docudrama).

glass of goat's milk 1909 UK Clarendon-p, Stow-d.. man drinks goat's milk and butts people.

glittering sword 1929 UK Altrincham High School-p, Gow-d.. silent.. Death and Satan.

gloves of ptames 1914 UK Martin-p.. things disappear whenever they are touched by a pair of gloves from an Egyptian tomb.

go and get it 1920 USA Neilan-p, Symonds-d.. ASHSFF primary (says Lost).. mad scientist transplants murderer's brain into gorilla.

gold rush 1925 USA Chaplin-p/d/s.. 95 min (original) | 72 min (1942 re-release) | 81 min (edited).. hungry Mack Swain sees Charlie Chaplin as a chicken, genre? Lee-I ("com; psy-F-seq")

golden pomegranates 1924 UK Stoll-p, Coleby-d.. #6 in the "Further Mysteries of Fu Manchu" series. 

golden supper 1910 USA Biograph-p, DW Griffith-d.. his kiss brings her back from catatonia mistaken for death.

goldene see 1919 GER Decla-Bioscop-p.. Part 1 of DIE SPINNEN ("The Spiders").. super-criminals out to take over the world, genre?

goldie locks and the three bears 1922 USA Laugh-o-Grams-p, Disney-d.. animated.. fairy tale.

goldilocks and the three bears 1917 USA Peter Pan-p.. animated.. fairy tale.

goldilocks and the three bears 1928 USA Kodak Cinegraph-p.. animated.. fairy tale.

golem, der 1914 GER Deutsche Bioscop-p, Galeen & Wegener-d.. actual release date seems to be 1914 Dec 22.. second reel discovered, screened 2017 (IMDB).. classic Jewish monster mythos. (1915).. Lee-I (1914/1917)
@ (about 4 minutes, from DVD) 

golem: wie er in die welt kam, der 1920 GER UFA-p, Wegener & Boese-d.. 76 min | 85 min | 101 min (2002 Alpha Video DVD).. rabbi brings creature to life to defend his persecuted people, creature goes on rampage.
@ Amazon Prime (64 minutes, colorized, Hobgoblin rock score and voice-overs) (interesting!)

good little devil 1914 USA Famous Players-p, Porter-d.. ASHSFF primary.. make-believe world of fairies.

good soldier schweik 1926 CZE Gloriafilm, Lamac-d.. seance sequence brings ghosts. .. Lee-P ("F-seq", "same as 1929?" -- not 1929 USSR but 1930 Lamac re-edit)
@ (sample only here but wholly available from author)

goodrich dirt, hypnotist 1919 USA Bray-p, Carlson-d.. animated. Lee-I (as part of the series)

gopal krishna 1929 INDIA Prabhat-p

grausige nacht 1921 GER Rex-p, Pick-d.. alcoholic drama.
@ SFI (per IMDB but search at SFI and did not find it)

greatest question 1919 USA First National-p, D.W. Griffith-d.. ASHSFF primary.. amidst the drama, a ghost gives sound advice.. 

green archer 1925 USA Pathe Exchange-p, Bennet-d.. SERIAL-10.. "haunted" castle should mean not genre. Lee-I ("myst; bor-H").. NO Seydoux

grenouille, la 1908 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. Seydoux.. psychedelic pond; haven't the faintest idea what's going on.
@ YouTube (3:00, colored)
@ GPA 307997 (2:52, colored)

grenouilles qui demandent un roi 1922 FRA Polichinei-p, Starewicz-d.. animated.. fairy tale. (8 minutes, tinted, English)

grief in bagdad 1925 USA Fox-p.. THIEF OF BAGDAD parody, trained chimp is the star but flying donkey is genre.

grotte de la sorciere 1906 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. DUPLICATE for L'ANTRE DE LA SORCIERE (1906, Pathe Freres).. NO Seydoux this title.

grotte des esprits 1909 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. Seydoux.. spooky cave.
@ (#2452, me)

guerra e il sogno di momi 1917 ITA Itala-p, Chomon & Pastrone-d.. tt0193211.. Lee-I ("F-dream boy dreams toy soldiers come to life").. animated puppets.. 

guerre du feu 1914 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. Seydoux.. caveman, wizard.

guillaume tell et le clown 1898 FRA Star-Melies-p.. archery dummy comes to life.

guirlande merveilleuse 1903 FRA Star-Melies-p.. flowers make a loop, magic in the hoop; whoop-de-doop.

gulliver chez les lilliputiens 1923 FRA Gaumont-p, Mourlan & Villette-d.. animated.. 

gunnar hedes saga 1923 SWE Svenska-p, Stiller-d.. genre sections (painting comes to life) in this drama.

gustav est medium 1921 FRA Gaumont-p, Feuillade-d.. telekinesis.

gute fee oder das marchen vom wunderring 1910 UK Hepworth-p?.. original English title undetermined.. fairy godmother.

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.


illusions fantasmagoriques (1898, Star-Melies)
magician hacks a boy in half.
@ YouTube

imro fox, conjuror (1896, Mutoscope)
magic tricks.

imro fox, human hen trick. SEE human hen (1896)

imro fox rabbit trick (1896, Mutoscope)
magic tricks.

infernal palace. SEE manoir du diable (1896) (AFI 30285, 1899)

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.


joyful skeleton. SEE squelette joyeux (1897)

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.


d'ou vient-il? 1905 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Zecca-d.. reversing ocean bather. (preview, 1:06-2:49)
@ MOMA (Richard Abel)

daisy doodad's dial 1914 UK Florence Turner-p.. she dreams of weird faces, genre? Lee-I ("F-com-dream")

damnation du docteur faust 1904 FRA Star-Melies-p.. his soul he familiarly sells; story it adequately tells.
(colored portion survives, says Wikipedia)

damon and pythias 1914 USA Universal-p.. (x) not genre.. Lee-I ("F").. @ YouTube (54 minutes).

damonit 1913 GER Neue Filmgesellschaft-p, Cosmopolitan-dist.. new explosive of great power, dynamite? genre?

dancer's dream 1905 UK RW Paul-p, Martin-d.. underwater dancing, fairy.. 

dances of the ages 1913 USA Edison-p, Dawley-d.. they watch holographic dancing images of prehistoric cave-dwellers, Egyptians, Greeks, and other eras.

dancing legs 1908 USA Vitagraph-p.. dance academy professor cuts off student legs which get jumbled on reassembly, comedy!
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (H108127, no media here)

dangerous adventure 1922 USA Warner-p.. SERIAL-15 (and 7-reel FEATURE).. tt0013046.. Lee-P ("F?").. genre?
@ UCLA (all chapters)

daniel 1913 USA Vitagraph-p.. God saves the prophet.

dans les griffes de l'araignee 1924 FRA Pathe Consortium-p, Starewicz (Starevitch)-d.. animated puppets.. bugs with human faces act out a little horror tale. (1920, USA 1925).. BFI 153501 (1921).. Lee-I ("Dans le Griffes de l'Araignee", 1920).. Seydoux/ GPA/ CNC (1924)
@ DVD: Wladyslaw Starewicz Collection (Amazon)
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy)
@ Montreal (Magliozzi 1531)
@ EYE (per IMDB)

danse de l'eventail 1897 FRA Lumiere-p.. CNC says 1899.. fairy dancing (she appears to be drunk). (1905 mis-dating from Lumiere mis-cataloging) (colored, MNC)

danse du diable 1904 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. DUPLICATE for FANTAISIES ENDIABLEES (1907, Pathe Freres).

danse du feu 1899 FRA Star-Melies-p.. demons fire dance; hail France!

danse du feu 1910 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. dancer appears in the midst of the flames and spreads her changing wings.
(also GPA 330481, 3:00, no media here)

danse du papillon 1900 FRA Gaumont-p, Alice Guy-d.. fairy dancing.

danse excentrique 1902 FRA Gaumont-p, Alice Guy-d, Lina Esbrard-s.. fairy dancing.

danse fleur-de-lotus 1897 FRA Gaumont-p, Alice Guy (or Lear)-d.. fairy dancing.

danse macabre 1922 USA Visual Symphony-p.. animated.. horror, dance, and music (Saint-Saens).

danse serpentine 1896 FRA Star-Melies-p.. this title often wrongly identified with tinted footage from DANSE SERPENTINE NO. 2 (1897, Lumiere).. fairy dancing. (information and video, 2020-2021)
@ (Beaulieu flipbook, tentative ID, 10 seconds)
@ (Beaulieu flipbook, tentative ID, same 10 seconds)
@ (Beaulieu flipbook, tentative ID, same 10 seconds)
@ Magliozzi 269 says London & Madrid but London has Edison (that is Magliozzi 3660 anyway) and there's no record at Madrid

danse serpentine 1900 FRA Gaumont-p (topknot).. fairy dancing, serpentine dance performed by a young woman wearing her hair up in a topknot.
No IMDB.. BFI 378787. (reverse image, more coloring)

danse serpentine 1900 FRA Gaumont-p (cage), Alice Guy-d.. fairy dancing, takes place in a lion's or tiger's cage.

danse serpentine (i) 1897 FRA Lumiere-p, Fregoli-s.. fairy dancing.
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy)

danse serpentine (ii) 1897 FRA Lumiere-p.. fairy dancing on stage. (0:50, colored, excellent quality)
@ CNC (Bois d'Arcy)

danse serpentine par mme. bob walter 1897 FRA Gaumont-p, Alice Guy-d.. fairy dancing.
danses lilliputiennes 1905 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. tiny dancers. (first 2:21 of this reel the rest is VERRES ENCHANTES 1907)

danseuse microscopique 1902 FRA Star-Melies-p.. eggs, legs; begs.

dante e beatrice 1913 ITA Ambrosio-p, Caserini-d.. includes a trip to Heaven.

dante's inferno 1924 USA Fox-p.. ASHSFF primary.. dreams of a trip to hell.

dark mirror 1920 USA Ince (Famous Players)-p, Paramount (Artcraft)-dist, Giblyn-d.. ASHSFF primary.. ghost but she seems to be having visions or omens.

daughter of pan 1913 USA Helen Gardner-p.. people said to be descendants of Pan, she beautifies by getting into a lily.

daughter of the gods 1916 USA Fox-p, Brenon-d.. ASHSFF primary.. reincarnation, witch.
{UNSURE} says Lost, but says Cinema Museum, but a search of Cinema Museum online did not discover it.

davey jones' locker 1900 USA AM&B-p.. skeleton dances like heck on deck of a wreck.

david et goliath 1910 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Andreani-d, Bovy-s.. Biblical giant.

de luxe annie 1918 USA Norma Talmadge-p.. ASHSFF primary.. clunk on the noggin changes a regular gal into a crook, drama!

dead alive 1916 USA Gaumont-p, Vernot-d.. perhaps UK.. ASHSFF tangential.. fake spirit is twin of dead girl, hypnotism.

death ray 1924 UK Hepworth-p, Novello-Atlas-dist, Pathe-dist, Quiribet-d.. Welsh inventor Harry Grindell-Matthews' death-ray invention, documentary??.. part of the "Q-Riosities by Q" series in the UK, part of the "Gems of the Screen" series in the USA. Lee-I-1 ("SF-com" for 1924 "British"), but also Lee-I-2 ("SF-doc" for 1924 "Pathe", the same film)
@ Huntley Archives 75%? (per Doctor Kiss 2014 #2545)

deboires d'un pieton 1922 FRA Pathe-p, Lortac & Landelle-d.. animated.. evil car chases man through and on the house.
No IMDB.. NO Seydoux

decouverte du docteur mitchoff 1912 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. retinal memory in dead man (great little drama).
No IMDB.. Seydoux

defaite de satan 1910 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Denola-d.. Satan comes to earth and drags a man into a game of dice.

deluge, the 1911 USA Vitagraph-p.. God destroys the world of man with a flood.

delusion, a 1902 USA AM&B-p.. photographer sees unreality. AFI 31174.. Lee-I, but also Lee-P ("F?" - why?)

demenagement magnetique 1908 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. moving an entire household of furniture via magnets.

demon 1911 ITA-RUS Ambrosio-p, Thiemann & Reinhardt-dist, Vitrotti & Krivtsov-d.. Satan tries to capture the soul of a woman. Lee-I ("The Demon" ITA Ambrosio), but also Lee-P ("F?" "Demon" RUS Thiemann & Reinhardt).
@ Bologna (restored) per Doctor Kiss 2016 (#3636)

demon de l'alcool 1909 FRA Eclipse-p.. translated "alcohol demon" but content uncertain.
@ Bologna (per Turconi)
denonciateur, le 1908 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. NOT the same as LE SPECTRE (1908, Pathe Freres).. an old man rejected by a young woman poisons her father, then is accused by both their ghosts.

der 24 dezember 1910 FRA Gaumont-p.. original French title undetermined.. Santa rescued.

des magiques 1908 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Chomon-d.. lots of dice stuff; more than enough.

deshabillage impossible 1900 FRA Star-Melies-p.. clothes a pest, can't get undressed; film blessed.

destiny, or the soul of a woman 1915 USA Metro-p, Carewe-d.. ASHSFF tangential.. allegory includes Death personified.

deux cent mille lieues sous les mers 1907 FRA Star-Melies-p.. absurd but it is a dream; gathers little steam.
@ (9:56) (online colored is a phony)

deux timides 1928 FRA Albatros/ Sequana-p, Rene Clair-d.. some camera acceleration and reversal, genre?
@ grey-market DVD online

devil, the 1908 USA AM&B-p, DW Griffith-d.. happily married artist tempted by beautiful model, the Devil delights.
@ LOC? (WFPP and say yes but LOC search and Magliozzi do not confirm)

devil, the 1915 USA NYMP-p, Barker & Ince-d.. ASHSFF primary.. Satan tempts people to adultery.

devil, the 1921 USA Assoc Exhibitors-p, Pathe-dist, Young-d, G Arliss-s.. ASHSFF primary.. saved by the cross literally but not from the Devil literally. (61 minutes, restoration)

devil in the studio 1901 UK RW Paul-p, Booth-d.. animated/ live action.. short trick film inspired by Faust legend.

devil stone 1917 USA Lasky Famous Players-p, Artcraft-dist, DeMille-d.. ASHSFF primary.. cursed emerald brings bad luck to fishermaid.

devil, the servant, and the man, the 1910 USA Selig-p, Beal-d, Alvin Wyckoff-s.. man dreams Satan reveals unfaithful wife.
devil's assistant 1917 USA Pollard-p/d.. drug hallucinations, Cerberus.
@ DVD (23 minutes)

devil's claim 1920 USA Haworth-p, Swickard-d, Sessue Hayakawa-s.. ASHSFF primary.. reincarnated evil spirits, devil worshipers.

devil's foot 1921 UK Stoll-p, Elvey-d.. #2 in the "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" series.. genre?

devil's theatre 1902 USA Edison-p.. demons perform.
@ LOC (Magliozzi 3718)

devilled crabs 1917 USA Jaxon-p.. tainted food causes hallucinations of Satan, comedy.

diable au couvent 1899 FRA Star-Melies-p.. Satan and cohorts make the sacred stained.

diable dans la ville 1925 FRA Films de France-p.. mysterious stranger sent by Satan?
@ Rarefilmm

diable geant ou le miracle de la madonne 1901 FRA Star-Melies-p.. Satan enslaves her, Madonna saves her.

diable noir 1905 FRA Star-Melies-p.. imp troubles guest, action impressed, story in jest.

diabolo nightmare 1907 UK Urban-p, Booth-d.. man obsessed with toy in fantasy situations; give it some congratulations.

diamond queen 1921 USA Universal-p.. SERIAL-18.. artificial diamonds.
@ Czech archive? (Tapatalk #569)

diana the huntress 1916 USA Pluragraph-p, Unity Sales Corp-dist.. myth.

diavolo zoppo 1910 ITA Ambrosio-p, Maggi-d.. from the classic.

dick whittington and his cat 1913 USA Solax-p, Alice Guy Blache-d.. famous fairy tale.

didone abbandonata 1910 ITA Ambrosio-p, Maggi-d.. mythical.

dinky doodle in egypt 1925 USA Bray-p, Lantz-d.. animated.. mummy and other tropes.

dinky doodle in lost and found 1926 USA Bray-p, Lantz-d.. animated.. witch takes them to the moon.

dinky doodle's bed time story 1926 USA Bray-p, Lantz-d.. animated.. variety of fairy tale characters.

dinosaur and the missing link: a prehistoric tragedy 1915 USA Edison-p, Willis O'Brien-fx.. 1917 distribution date?.. animated.. cave man hunting for dinner comes upon Missing Link's carcass, killed by dinosaur, comedy.

dirigeable fantastique 1905 FRA Star-Melies-p.. blimp works, professor dreams, imps sabotage, prof screams.

disappearing woman 1903 UK unknown-p/d.. disappears at will.

disintegrated convict 1907 USA Vitagraph-p.. escaped felon has super-power to squeeze through the smallest spaces.
@ PAPER PRINT FRAGMENT: (H99034, no media here)

dislocation mysterieuse 1901 FRA Star-Melies-p.. mutant clown gives a start, body comes apart; has heart.

dix chapeaux en 60 secondes 1896 FRA Star-Melies-p.. stage magic tricks. (Beaulieu flipbook, 10 seconds)

do gentlemen snore? 1928 USA Hal Roach-p, MGM-dist.. witches & skeleton float through room, gorilla.

dobbeltgaengeren 1910 DEN Nordisk-p, Rasmussen-d.. Sherlock Holmes. A burglar dresses up as a count in order to steal a valuable necklace, genre?

doctor jack 1922 USA Hal Roach-p.. sane doctor wins heart of troubled girl from insane doctor, genre?

dr. brompton-watts' age adjuster 1912 USA Edison-p.. A potion restores youth to an old man, too much of it turns him into a monkey.
dr. dolittle und seine tiere 1928 GER Comenius-p, Reiniger-d.. animated (silhouettes).. sound added 1931.. talks to animals. Lee-I ("Adventures of Dr. Dolittle")
@ VHS/ DVD/ streaming (2021 Apr)

dr. jekyll and mr. hyde 1912 USA Thanhouser-p, Cruze-s.. transformation serum (swift production with some moments and not-bad makeup job).

dr. jekyll and mr. hyde 1913 USA IMP-p, Universal-dist, Baggot-s.. 1915 re-release.. transformation serum (characterizations not meaty or engrossing). Lee-I (1913), and also Lee-I (1915)

dr. jekyll and mr. hyde 1920 USA Hank Mann-p/d/s, Arrow-dist.. comedy short.
{UNSURE} Doctor Kiss 2009 (#558) says Lost but BFI 516576 "Jekyll and Hyde Comedy" (generic archive title) exists as a fragment.

dr. jekyll and mr. hyde 1920 USA Paramount (Famous Players)-p, Gaumont (, John Barrymore-s.. 67-82 minutes, depending on source.. ASHSFF primary.. classic horror/sci-fi.

dr. jekyll and mr. hyde 1920 USA Pioneer-p, Sheldon Lewis-s.. ASHSFF primary.. transformation in a dream, not comedy.
@ (18 minutes, tinted, partial of 47 minutes)

dr. mabuse, der spieler 1922 GER Uco (Decla Bioscop)-p, UFA-dist, Lang-d.. 195-271 minutes, depending on source.. hypnosis and influential mind control. Lee-I (1922 @ 20 reels / 1927 @ 9 reels) (part 1) (155 minutes, French subtitles)
@ (part 2) (116 minutes, French subtitles)

dr. pyckle and mr. pryde 1925 USA Standard Cinema-p, Stan Laurel-s.. turns into mischievous and childish alter-ego, comedy.

dr. skinum 1907 USA AM&B-p, McCutcheon-d.. satire on physical culture fad, doc can shrink or enlarge people and their parts.
@ MOMA (Magliozzi 3906:NY)
SCREENED: John Fell 1980; Keil p.270

dodskyssen ("dödskyssen") 1916 SWE Svenska Biografteatern-p, Sjostrom-d.. murder mystery like RASHOMON with some fantastic elements.

dodsvarslet ("dødsvarslet") 1912 DEN Filmfabrikken Scandinavien-p, Brandt-d.. A woman under a musical spell dances herself to death.
@ Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv (Doctor Kiss 2012 #1584) but this is incomplete*
@ EYE (Magliozzi 134) but this is incomplete*
@ DFI (Magliozzi 134) but not listed as extant there
* Doctor Kiss says a "reasonably-complete" copy exists from a composite of these two.

does she love me? 1910 FRA Pathe-p.. two BFI listings.. original French title undetermined.. man employs Hindu magician to discover if girl loves him.
No IMDB.. Lee-I.. NO Seydoux

dog factory 1904 USA Edison-p.. dogs into sausages links into pups thumbs ups!

dog outwits the kidnapper 1908 UK Hepworth-p.. dog driving car rescues kidnapped baby, definitely fantasy not just trained dog.
dog's love 1914 USA Thanhouser-p.. super-intelligent dog, ghost (and a very sad story indeed).

doll's revenge 1907 UK Hepworth-p.. boy breaks his sister's doll, it mends itself, growsm tears him up and eats him.
domestique hypnotiseur 1907 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Nonguet-d, Linder-s.. hypnotic powers?
@ LOC (misidentified as "Max Hypnotized") per Doctor Kiss 2013 (#1749)

don juan 1908 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Capellani-d.. ghosts and retribution. Lee-I (1905/1908 but I think he combined with 1904).. Seydoux

don juan et faust 1922 FRA Gaumont Pax-p.. content uncertain.

don juan tenorio 1908 SPA Hispano-p, de Banos & Marro-d.. ghosts and retribution.

doomed ship 1911 USA Edison-p.. he sees a vision of the crew as ghosts haunting him.

dopo la morte 1913 ITA Cines-p, Antamoro-d.. serum that simulates death.

dormeuse, la 1909 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Carre-d.. charlatan, or true hypnotist and/or clairvoyant?

dornroschen 1908 GER Fita-p.. Sleeping Beauty.
@ DFI & MURNAU, per
(has been online)

dorothy's dream 1903 UK GA Smith-p.. part of MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY RHYMES (1902, GA Smith).. girl dreams of various fables such as Aladdin and Cinderella.
@ LOC: (22mm Edison Home Kinetoscope)

double trouble 1915 USA Fine Arts-p, D Fairbanks-s.. clunk on head causes personality change five years after visit to clairvoyant, genre?

douze travaux d'hercule 1910 FRA Gaumont-p, Cohl-d.. animated.. mythology.
@ GPA 308327 (7:25)

dr. SEE doctor (above), still spelled "Dr." where correct.

dragees du grand-pere 1908 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. supernatural energy pills; decent thrills.

draggin' the dragon 1928 USA Pat Sullivan-p, Educational-dist.. animated (Felix the Cat).. dragon.

drame au fond de la mer 1901 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. Lee-I.. (x) not genre.. @ YouTube (0:53, tinted).

dream cheater 1920 USA Brunton-p, Hodkinson-dist, Warde-d.. ASHSFF primary.. magic skin grants wishes.

dream dance 1915 USA Lubin-p, de la Mothe-d.. painting comes to life, man dies in sleep during dream.

dream of a rarebit fiend 1906 USA Edison-p, McCutcheon-d, Winsor McCay-w.. AFI 29091.. 2 different edits, NOT 2 two different endings.. drunken fog, hare of the dog; good snog.
(many different musical accompaniments &/or crops)

dream pill 1910 USA Lubin-p.. positive antidote to nightmares.

dream street 1921 USA DW Griffith-p/d.. visions of Heaven and Hell, other allegorical sequences.

dreamland adventures 1907 UK Urban-p, Booth-d.. toys come to life.

dreams of the rarebit fiend: bug vaudeville 1917 USA Rialto-p, Winsor McCay-d.. often dated 1921.. animated.. series of performances by insects.

dreams of the rarebit fiend: the flying house 1917 USA Rialto-p, Winsor McCay-d.. often dated 1921.. animated.. dreams her husband converts their house into a machine that takes them into outer space.

dreams of the rarebit fiend: the pet 1917 USA Rialto-p, Winsor McCay-d.. often dated 1921.. animated.. dreams his wife takes in a dog that won't stop growing and threatens the city.

dreams of toyland 1908 UK Alpha-p, Cooper-d.. early Toy Story violent stop-motion action; varying emotional reaction.

dreamy dud: he resolves not to smoke 1915 USA Essanay-p.. animated.. ghost takes him to the moon. Lee-I (as part of the overall series)

duel abracadabrant 1901 FRA Pathe Freres-p, Zecca-d.. uncontrolled mystical duel.
@ LOC: "MAVIS #447 Mutoscope Reel Section A" (per Doctor Kiss 2017 #4008)

dusoiffard et le bec de gaz 1910 FRA Pathe Freres-p.. gas-induced hallucinations.

dust of egypt 1915 USA Vitagraph-p, Baker-d.. ASHSFF primary.. originally 6 reels, only 10 minutes extant 2021 Apr.. clip exists in compilation short "Movie Album" (1932, tt0133982).. WFPP and LOC say the film is Lost but this refers to the full version.. NOT the same as EGYPTIAN MUMMY (1914, Vitagraph).. female mummy come to life tries to adapt to modern life comedy.
@ Amazon Prime (2021 Apr $)

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.