Monday, April 5, 2021


rapunzel (1897, Germany, Fita-dist?)
unnatural hair.

results of a dispute. SEE suites d'une dispute (1897) (Seydoux 1903 UK title)
reve d'un astronome. SEE lune a un metre (1898)
rip and the dwarf. SEE exit of rip and the dwarf (1896)

rip leaving sleepy hollow (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #4 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B). 

rip meeting the dwarf (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #2 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

rip passing over the hill. SEE rip passing over the mountain (1896)

rip passing over the mountain (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #8 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

rip's toast (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #1 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

rip's toast to hudson (and crew) (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #5 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

rip's twenty years' sleep (1896, AM&B)
DUPLICATE listing, actually #6 of 8 clips incorporated into RIP VAN WINKLE (1903, AM&B).

Copyright 2021 Tom Wise this format and unique information. You must contact me before you copy it.

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